Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Is it Dead?

If you read anything about the publishing industry (and I read most everything), you have probably heard that Chick Lit is dead.

For a while, when people asked what I write, I would turn my head and mumble under my breath, "Chick Lit". Gradually I changed my answer to "humorous women's fiction". That's right. I cracked under the pressure. The pressure to adhere to the whims of the industry. Well, no more.

**Standing on rooftop, shouting** "I write Chick Lit! And I'm proud of it!"

I love making people laugh. Laughter is the greatest gift you can give another person. It's certainly my favorite thing to do. You may have noticed that there isn't a single serious book in my favorites list. Sure, occasionally I read tearjerkers or thought-provokers, but honestly, I'm reading to escape serious. I'm reading to enjoy myself. It's why I pick up the romantic comedy at the video store. And it's why I reach for the pretty covers first.

Now, don't get your Spanx all in a wad. I don't just judge a book by its cover. But that certainly can prompt me to pick it up. Then there's the back cover copy (please stop putting useless quotes or your inflated picture where the back cover copy belongs!). If that interests me, I'll read the first page. If you can make me laugh in those sixteen lines, there's a high likelihood that I will buy the book.

Case in point: While reading an agent blog, I saw an announcement for an upcoming release. The short blurb hooked me enough that I visited the author's website. Smart lady that she is, she had posted her first chapter there. It ranks as the funniest first chapter I have ever read. And now I had to wait several long months before the release date. (Can you say pre-order?) During that time, I revisited and reread the excerpt more times than I can count. And I showed it to everybody I know. The rest of the book didn't disappoint. Great cover, great blurb, great first page. I'll do a complete review of Eileen Cook's debut Unpredictable soon, but trust me. Just go buy it now.

All that rambling to say this. Chick Lit is only dead if its fans stop buying it. They can repackage it, or call it a different name, but women will continue to read it. Who doesn't want to experience life's twists and turns with a little bit of funny?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tara, I am NOT a chick lit reader, but who decided it was dead anyway? Another agent said it isn't really dead, they've just renamed it similar to what you quoted.
The industry drives me crazy. There is an audience for all kinds of fiction. Just because a couple of novels don't sell well, someone rings the "It's finished!" bell, and everyone overreacts. It's all over the shelves at the Christian bookstore where I shop.
I sympathize. Keep writing your passion and just call it what they call it.