Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Two new terms.

Maybe the problem is just in the name. In my recent submission to agents, I called my manuscript humorous women's fiction. Do you think they were fooled? Somehow I doubt it. But I was very excited to read this article by Joanna Trollope on the Guardian's Books blog. And they say Brits are unemotional… Well, here is one who is unafraid to show her adoration for our beloved chick lit. But she suggests we rename it Wit Lit. Didn't I just say that our voices are witty? I for one love it!
The article circles around an exciting literary contest that honors funny books. Yes, you heard me correctly, books we actually enjoy reading - as opposed to books we feel like we should read because they are "literary". The Melissa Nathan prize was started last year to honor what the author dubbed comedy romance. (Love that one too!)
I am excited to see the books I love to read being recognized like they deserve. Both of the above links speak to the talent it takes to write in this genre (regardless of what you call it). It's always been obvious to me, but maybe everyone else will start to get it now.

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