Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Post in Which I Apologize to my Reader(s)

Okay, I swore I wouldn't apologize for my slackerness when it comes to this blog. But I fear I may have alienated all (one) of my readers by my incredibly long absence.

I have a good excuse, honest. I am in the throws of am-I-ever-gonna-finish-this-darn-manuscript-itis. It's an acute and painful disease further complicated by my-employees-keep-missing-work-and-I-have-to-cover-their-asses symptoms.

So, I'm here apologizing for my past absence and most likely my future absence. I am attending the SCWW (South Carolina Writers Workshop) at the end of October and if I don't finish the ms by then I might as well give up this writing thing. (Idle threats, I promise.)

If you aren't familiar with SCWW, it's an amazing conference in Myrtle Beach. There will be many big name editor and agent types and my goal is (obviously) to charm as many of them as possible with my wit and of course, my writing.

After that I'm sure to be busy fielding multiple offers, but I will try my darnest to keep you all appraised of how I single-handedly bring back the good name of Chick Lit with my revolutionary book. Wow. I could barely type that through my tears of laughter.

At the very least, I'll share any tidbits I may pick up at the conference and humor you with embarrassing pitch stories.

Until then, go read a good book! (May I recommend How To Sleep with a Movie Star by Kristin Harmel?)

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Kick some ass at the conference. If you want to run your pitch past anyone let me know.