Monday, August 4, 2008

How do you spell urked?

To use a carefully-placed cliche (and isn't that what we chick lit writers do?), my feathers became a tad ruffled when I read this article.

Let me sum it up for you.

Diane Shipley, a book blogger for the Guardian, a UK paper, reported on the phenomenon she is noticing in women's fiction. Basically the very same publishers who told us that Chick Lit is dead and they can't sell "those types" of books anymore is now slapping Chick Lit-esque covers on pretty much any book written by a woman or for a woman.

So, let me get this straight. "They" can't sell well-written, interesting and fun books classified as Chick Lit, but they can sell more serious, (and often-times more depressing) well-written books disguised as Chick Lit books? Am I missing something here?

On another (completely different, yet eerily the same) note: Oceanview Publishing is trying to name a new genre that has exploded into the marketplace. Chick Lit for Men. Apparently women aren't the only ones who like to read frivolous, fluffy and funny. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

Do you think the popularity of book genres are cyclical, like TV shows? For a long time, you'd never see a game show that was truly popular, then maybe 7-8 years ago they got big again. BUT -- there were always people who were still addicted to game shows all along. They maybe just didn't admit it. Maybe chick lit is going through a backlash stage and publishers just can't stand up to the heat over being criticized about giving people what they want if it's not "high brow." They're trying to invent a new genre with "serious books" marketed in a lighter way. Maybe just to be new and different or just because they don't know what to do and are confused. They're being greedy -- they want the readers who would normally pick up literary fiction AND the chick-lit lovers (who might be disappointed to be tricked!)

kristen at

Lindsay said...

Ack! This! This drives me crazy. I pick up a lovely pink book with a dress on the cover, and I expect a Sunday in the sun on my back porch laughing to myself.

And then everyone dies a horrible depressed death and I feel forever betrayed.

(also, to answer your question, yes I'm still running the fiverr charity drive - feel free to click on one of the links on my blog and join the fun!)